- 09.30-10.00: Registration & coffee
- 10.00-10.30: Opening ceremony
Participants: all RESPECT EM! team members + hospital board, PR, mr Kievit, mr Renkema, representant of medical board, head of DBZA, head of ICT, Prabath Nanayakkara (VUmc), Jan Luitse (AMC), Clinical librain, representative of Health insurance, guests, et al ,
Speakers: Nieke Mullaart (residency director of EM), Hugo Keuzekamp (BoD) and Mike Burg (academic consultant from UCSF)
- 10.30-11.30: Academics Speaking: “options for future Emergency Medicine Research”
Speakers: Mike Burg (UCSF), Jan Luitse (AMC), Prabath Nanayakkara (VUmc)
———————————————— Start of the program ————————————————
Participants: RESPECT EM! team members: David Baden, Eveline Baerends, Tom Boeije, (Björn Dijkstra (Aruba), Matthijs Douma, Michiel Heufke, Joger Jacobs, Nieke Mullaart, Vincent Rietveld, Niek Roossien, Mike Burg
- 11.30-11.45: Nieke Mullaart: agenda and general information
- 11.45-12.00: Mike Burg: scope of the program
- 12.00-12.30: Team: introductions
- 12.30-13.30: Why are we doing this? (a roundtable discussion)
- Facilitator: Mike Burg
- 13.30-14.00: Lunch (vergaderzaal 7)
- 14.00-15.30: Tell us about your current project(s) (roundtable discussion, max 5-minute pitch of ideas per participants)
- Facilitator: Mike Burg
- Preparation: all team members present (well prepared!) 5-minute pitch of research idea(s)
- 15.30-17.00: Idea generation – a “how to” brainstorming session
- Facilitator: Mike Burg
- 17.00-17.30: Authorship
- Speaker: Mike Burg (also providing handout)
- 17.30-18.00: Ethics, acknowledgements, cautions
- Speaker/discussion leader: Mike Burg
- All team members present (well prepared!) 5-minute pitch of their research idea(s)