Location: vergaderzaal 7
- 09.00-12.00: A day of ideas (input from all team members, Mike to facilitate)
- Reward your research associates/study enrollers
- Celebrate/announce study completion, acceptance, and publication
- Website development and posting
- Add citation to CV
- Earning a PhD
- Have a Research Day
- Schedule interim progress/presentation days
- Involve other mentors/experts
- Foster faculty/resident and mentor/mentee relationships
- Include your research and medical writing projects in resident and faculty evaluations
- How to be as productive as possible with your academic projects
- Overcoming common stumbling blocks to progress
- ACEP, EMRA, SAEM (Mike to lead)
- Turin, EMBRS, Editorial Boards, Reviewers, Funding expert (Mike to lead)
- More potential study ideas (Mike to lead) – see www.RESPECTEM.com “Study Ideas”
- Where do we go from here (Mike to lead)
- Q&A, wrap up
- 12.00-13.15: Lunch (restaurant)
- 13.30-14.30: Concluding ceremony (Auditorium)
- 18.00-late: Celebrating the concluding (RESPECT EM! Group) – location Amsterdam
- http://www.acep.org/embrs